16 years ago
The mythology
Sothys (pronounced So-tis) was the name the Ancient Egyptians gave to the brightest star in the sky; she symbolized to them eternal beauty.
Stars and planets also experienced passions like hatred, love, anger, jealousy and revenge.
During a heavenly night, Saturn met the young star Sothys – even Venus never seemed so beautiful. Their meeting was astonishing and Saturn was overwhelmed with passion for her; this threw the regular rhythm of the stars into confusion.
The fall of Sothys
Venus could not bear the fact she was not anymore the most beautiful star in the sky She took her revenge and Sothys fell into the dark of the night and disappeared.
Saturn cried over forty days and forty nights and flooded the Earth.
During centuries, the world heard nothing about Sothys until the day when …
The return of Sothys
Sothys reappears to deliver her secret to the Earth : she dedicates herself to women in order to preserve their beauty and happiness. As a tribute, Men venerated her as a Goddess.