

16 years ago


在遙遠的古埃及王朝時代,Sothys 曾是一顆閃爍星星的名字,在清澈遼闊的夜空中,由於她出色耀眼的光芒,法老王土地上的居民,皆將其視為寶物中的珍寶。不僅是凡間的人類陶醉眷戀著她的光芒與美麗,連天廷中之眾神也一樣。

一個夏夜的晚上,在天體運行的軌道上土星沙圖勒 Saturne 遇見了年輕的小星星Sothys,頓時驚為天人;她的美貌就連金星維納斯 Venus 都無法給他帶來如此大的震撼,使得他對Sothys 所懷藏的愛意強烈灼熱遠超過的一般人,而他這般瘋狂想擁有 Sothys 的慾望也攪亂了天體原本規則的運作。

燦爛的維納斯在嫉妒心的驅策下,精心巧妙的設計了一連串的陰謀,來達到她報復 Sothys 的目的;她使得沙圖勒原先為吸引,親近 Sothys 所拉起的關係斷裂了,於是 Sothys 就如一顆流星般的墜下,在一瞬間的劃破天際後,Sothys 消失了。頓時,是烏雲、狂風、雷星,感到哀痛?或是沙圖勒因眼見心愛的 Sothys 消逝,他的淚水不間歇地整整流了4440夜,淹沒了大地。這就是現在我們所謂挪亞方舟世界洪災日,它的由來嗎?

而有關 Sothys 的事,經過了好幾個世紀已沒有人知道,直到有一天 Sothys 為了世人重新出現了,成為一顆統領地球的嶄新星星,她被稱為美麗女神的代表,此次 Sothys 將獻給在大地上的女性,她保有年輕美貌的秘訣。

因為時間轉變,如今 Sothys 女神被用為表現優雅、女性的力量和美麗的古埃及帝國的象形文字描繪。而在西方的天空裡,Sothys 被視為一個新日子誕生來臨的早上,最後的美艷星星,並且在她的寶貴優雅其名聲是著名全世界。

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The mythology

Sothys (pronounced So-tis) was the name the Ancient Egyptians gave to the brightest star in the sky; she symbolized to them eternal beauty.
Stars and planets also experienced passions like hatred, love, anger, jealousy and revenge.
During a heavenly night, Saturn met the young star Sothys – even Venus never seemed so beautiful. Their meeting was astonishing and Saturn was overwhelmed with passion for her; this threw the regular rhythm of the stars into confusion.
The fall of Sothys
Venus could not bear the fact she was not anymore the most beautiful star in the sky She took her revenge and Sothys fell into the dark of the night and disappeared.
Saturn cried over forty days and forty nights and flooded the Earth.
During centuries, the world heard nothing about Sothys until the day when …
The return of Sothys
Sothys reappears to deliver her secret to the Earth : she dedicates herself to women in order to preserve their beauty and happiness. As a tribute, Men venerated her as a Goddess.

