2011 第11屆『曼都盃暨校際盃美髮美容大賽』

13 years ago



11th "Mentor Cup cum Hair & Beauty Schools Cup Competition" scheduled for August 18, 2011 Taoyuan County Stadium, held a grand, President Mr. Ma Yingjiu, magistrate, politicians ... in the opening ceremony, and athletes refuel! This cost 40 million hairdressing competition, Taiwan Mentor Group employees nearly 400 stores more than 5,000 people, combined with the domestic school of 40 Hair & Beauty, Hair count nearly 3,000 athletes, 374 awards, bonuses totaling up to 7 million, the first time in 100 years in Taiwan! Mentor chain store in Taiwan, the number of stores has reached 250, the group number more than 500 stores worldwide within the Group brands: Leader salon, Bass salon, Air salon and Den i Sen salon multi-brand business. Integration of activities of this school, "Mentor Cup Hair & Beauty Competition," so that Hair & Beauty vocational education of students, but also show enthusiasm and creativity of Hair & Beauty! In this day of the game, in addition to as many as 28 group matches, 4 schools show Hair & Beauty Hair Show; the same time at the closing ceremony is also invited singers to sing and dance. Major brands sponsor this event, and set the stand, otherwise Framesi Taiwan education team, the only agents act as referee.


