2016 義大利活力風格-性別自由 GENDER FREE
8 years ago
【流行趨勢 Megatrend】
「性別自由」比流行趨勢更加潮流:這是目前現代社會正在經歷文化轉型的一種表現。 對於新世代的年輕人們,性別差異是一個已不再受到那麼的重視和感興趣的主題。 這是令每位唯一獨特個性人群所感興趣的議題,人類純粹的天性本質。「性別自由」並不否認純粹女人味或者是否定了陽剛之氣。性別自由它停留在兩者之間其自然的中性化,但細緻的服裝完全適合並吸引了所有每一個人。不同於以往雌雄同體的風格,「性別自由」是往追求個人自由和真正接受他人的方向邁進了一大步。
is much more than a fashion trend: it is an expression of the cultural transformation modern society is experiencing. For new generations the gender distinction lacks both importance and interest. What is of interest is the individual uniqueness, the pure essence of the human being.
Gender Free does not deny femininity or negate masculinity. It stays in the middle with its neutral but sophisticated attire that suits all. Unlike the androgyny of the past, Gender Free takes a step forward in the direction of individual freedom and true acceptance of others.
【流行時尚 Fashion】
Gender Free proclaims a new lifestyle. Men and women's clothes become interchangeable: jackets, skirts and pants can be worn by her and by him with elegant ease. The choice of colors and fabrics is shared as well, in order to let each person explore the other's world. Neutral tones, sober lines. Despite the simplicity of clothes, the personality of a well-defined style appears with all its strength. The result is very refined, easy and perfect at the same time, from morning to night.
【配件 Accessories】
「性別自由」配件流行趨勢,透過一個聰明方式表達並跟隨著時尚腳步的理念。鞋子 - 帆布膠底球鞋(sneakers)、莫卡辛鹿皮鞋(moccasins)或繫帶靴鞋(lace ups) - 對男性和女性族群都有著相同一樣的形狀和顏色。女生的她穿戴著一條領帶和吊褲帶,男生則自然的攜帶雅致的包款袋子和背包。當然,一切配件及配飾都必須是豪華風格!
Gender Free accessories follow the philosophy of fashion by expressing a smart ease. Shoes – sneakers, moccasins or lace ups – have the same shape and color for both men and women. She wears a tie and suspenders, while he naturally carries bags and backpacks. Everything must be luxurious, of course!
【髮色及彩妝 Hair & Make up】
「義大利活力風格Italian Style Energy」的「性別自由」流行髮型時尚不會陷入一個屬於曖昧不明確的陷阱之中,而是創造了文雅和力量之間的完美平衡。 在每一款所設計提出的髮型設計,清晰俐落的線條配合上柔和豐盈度的髮量,讓此款髮式造型可根據眼前當下的創作慾望,即時即刻即興地表現創意。精選自然色系的髮色和在敞開的露天空間處召喚著生活影像。
With the Gender Free collection, Italian Style Energy does not fall into the trap of ambiguity, but instead creates the perfect balance between gentility and strength. In each proposal, sharp lines complement soft volumes and allow the styling to transform the cut according to the immediate desire. The featured colors are natural and conjure images of life in the open air.
The make up introduces the pure image of a modernistic angel. The base is immaculate and light. Shadows sculpt the face oval and the cheekbones with the same chiaroscuro effect used on eyes, with an abandoned use of defined color. Satin touches naturally enhance the luminosity of the skin while lips get warmth from plum and wisteria hues. Eyebrows are thick and relevant.
【髮型指標時尚 Hair icon】
中分頭,陽光親吻著色彩,自然的妝容。「義大利活力風格Italian Style Energy」指標性的流行髮式,象徵著自由精神的時尚風格。舒適自在的連身裝衣服,易於結合配件飾品和立即梳理便可出門的髮型,完全滿足了那些認定時尚是自己日常生活中重要元素之一的都會時尚女性族群。美髮設計師的是代表時尚最原始的創作者,因為人群中的他或她,才是真正呈現出五款隱藏了細心巧思的線條剪裁、顏色和明顯的簡單髮型之原創者。
Central parting, sun kissed color, natural look. The icon of the Italian Style Energy collection is the symbolic free spirit of this trend. A comfortable dress, easy-to-combine accessories and an immediately ready-to-go hairstyle completely satisfy women who consider fashion as an everyday element of their life. The hairdresser’s role is fundamental because he or she is the creator of a proposal that hides a careful attention to cut, color and styling behind apparent simplicity.